How can I place an order with Trovo ?
Visit on our website www.trovo.com and click the item you would love to buy and ADD TO CART or continue shopping if you want to add more products. Checkout, if you are done with the shopping. If you are a new customer, register with your contact details. If you are already a customer, enter your email and password and choose your payment method to complete your shopping.
What kind of payment method do you provide?
We accept all major credit and debit card (Visa, MasterCard). We guarantee a safe and secure shopping experience at our website.
Is Trovo’s website safe for online payment?
We ensure it is safe and not accessible by any third party. Your data is only used to process order and serve you better.
When will I get the purchased items?
You will get the purchased item within 7-10 business days.
What, if I receive the wrong order?
No worries, feel free to contact our customer care center and it will be replaced easily.